It will be hard to give reasons or cite evidence against the thought or suggestion that, relentlessly, people are grouped based on shared physical or social features belonging typically to a person to determine the identity and inappropriately, their worth or capabilities.

This set of circumstances has been obtained since time immemorial and goes on rampantly even now. Over time, the expectation has been that the young people’s current breed would be creating a better world. But when we have the free world leader espouse hatred, bigotry, racism, theft, and corruption, it becomes astonishing that there can be children today, bereft of behavior that conforms to accepted standards of morality and responsibility.

It came as no surprise to learn that white high school goers from Archer City in Texas found it amusing to burst out into chants of build the wall at Hispanic students during a high school volley ball match further south, in Snyder Texas, echoing Donald J. Trump’s rally-goers’ conduct.

Archer City Theatre

Archer City, Texas, with a population of under 2000, predominantly white, is about two hours away from Dallas. Before white settlement, Apaches, Wichitas, Tawakonis, Kichais, Caddoes, Comanches, and Kiowas camped and hunted in the County area. Its fatty deposits of oil and gas, strengthened by its plains and prairies soil, have created sustainable commercial life for its current inhabitants.

It is a Republican stronghold, and Trump flags proliferate the landscape. Hopes of a successful 2020 election recount to overturn the result are expressed by yard signs. But unlike Trump, there is the belief in renewable energy, so for a stretch of about 15 miles from Archer City to Windthorst, there is wind technology juxtaposed with oil pumps.

Windthorst a German settlement that bills itself as the home of pride and tradition sets an example for America with a signpost asking us, a divided country, to look forward and heal. In Archer city itself, people now pin their hopes in prayer as a pandemic ravages our land.

Windthorst an example to America

Hopes that these high school students’ action to be an aberration are high after young people all across America, last Summer raised their clenched fists in the streets, day in and day out, to fight racism and injustice.

After all, we are just people, so we will always reject race, the inappropriate and undesirable manner of judgment, causing discrimination and injustice. If you harbor the platitude that “white men can’t jump,” then here is Jeremy Wariner beating two black guys in a 400-meter race.

Clipping :Courtesy of The Dallas Morning News (Subscribe to the Dallas Morning News)


On my way back from Archer City, the third time in as many months before and after the election,
a State Trooper pulled me over for DWB (Driving While Black)